F(Ê)AITES DE LA DANSE Dance Festival

Place du Casino
Place du Casino
98000 Monaco
From Saturday 1 to Sunday 2 July 2017
1st F(ê)aites de la Danse! Dance festival organised by the Ballets de Monte-CarloDuring the night of Saturday 1 to Sunday 2 July, Place du Casino
20 Apr

"F(Ê)AITES DE LA DANSE" ("Let's Dance") on 1 July in Monaco

The Ballets de Monte-Carlo, the Prince's Government and the Monte-Carlo SBM are inviting the public to dance!

The first F(Ê)AITES DE LA DANSE ("Let's Dance") festival will take place on 1 July 2017 in Monaco!

For eight hours, the whole district around the Place du Casino will be transformed into a giant open-air dance floor.  The programme includes a dance marathon, a giant dance barre, various shows, devilish tarantellas, ballroom dancing, retro dancing, world dances, Hip Hop, Yamakasi and much more!

More than 250 artists, professional dancers and amateurs will gather there with the aim of GETTING THE PUBLIC TO DANCE!

Further Information:



8 May

1er Marathon F(Ê)AITES DE LA DANSE à Monaco

Le 1er juillet 2017, il sera possible de faire partie des 30 couples de danseurs les plus passionnés

Inspiré des marathons de danse organisés pendant la grande récession aux États-Unis où les couples devaient danser toute une nuit pour gagner un repas, F(Ê)AITES DE LA DANSE rend hommage à ses forçats de la danse en organisant son Marathon, cette fois dans un cadre festif et réservé aux plus passionnés.

Le 1er juillet de 18 heures à 23h30, Square Massenet, Place du casino de Monte-Carlo, il sera possible de faire partie de 30 couples (agés de plus de 18 ans) qui danseront plus de 5h30 heures. 

À l’issue de l’épreuve, les couples vainqueurs seront sacrés sur la Place du Casino devant tous les participants de F(Ê)AITES DE LA DANSE et recevront leurs récompenses.

Inscription obligatoire: www.balletsdemontecarlo.com

Plus d'information et réglement :

[email protected]

(0033) 6 77 05 61 07


14 Jun

1st "F(ê)aites de la danse" Dance Festival in Monaco

Monaco is to celebrate dance with a night for the public entirely devoted to this art form.

The "F(ê)aites de la danse" dance festival arose from the shared wish of the Ballets de Monte-Carlo, the Prince's Government and the Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer to create a large-scale dance event that would be open to all.

On Saturday 1 July, for the "F(ê)aites de la danse" festival, the Place du Casino will be transformed into a giant dance floor, where professionals and amateurs will mingle to the rhythm of a wide variety of music.

"F(ê)aites de la danse" will begin at 6 p.m. with a giant dance barre in the Place du Casino, where the public will be able to warm up with the male and female dancers of the Ballets de Monte-Carlo.

Almost forty events will then take place continuously until 6 a.m.

Shows, outdoor activities, introductory world dance workshops, street artists, Hip-Hop battles, pole dancing, a nightclub at the Opera, a giant dance floor and bals musettes (traditional open-air public dance events).  More than 250 professional and amateur artists will have the sole mission of making the public dance until dawn.

For the most enthusiastic, a Dance Marathon will take place between 6 p.m. and midnight.  The 30 couples taking part (who need to register) will have to dance the Tango, African dance, salsa, the waltz, jazz and rock/swing.

At midnight, the Ballets de Monte-Carlo will present a work by Jean-Christophe with music by Antonio Castrignano, who will also give a concert that evening.

At the end of the show, the dancers will create a "flash mob" by inviting the entire audience to join them.

The night will continue with a huge open-air dance floor, and then in the Monte Carlo Opera, which will be transformed into a nightclub with DJ Greg Boust.  Outside, there will be a silent discotheque - 1,000 headphones will be made available - enabling the most seasoned fans to dance until dawn.

Further Information:


Flash mob:  http://www.balletsdemontecarlo.com/fr/feaitesdeladanse/flashmob

Photo Credits:  ©Michal Batory - ©DR


29 Jun

L'authenticité culinaire au cœur de la F(ê)aite de la Danse

Un large choix de saveurs proposés tout au long de la soirée

Le 1er Juillet 2017, à l'occasion de la F(ê)aite de la Dance, il sera possible de se restaurer au cœur de l'événement.

Brasserie du Café de Paris :

  • Allée François Blanc, stand de Socca et stand de mozzarella
  • Terrasse du Café de paris, assortiment de sandwichs 
  • Salon Bellevue, vente de boissons dans un bar spécifique créé pour l'événement

(+377) 98 06 36 36

Bar de la Guinguette (de 18h à 6h) : 

Vente de boissons, soft, bière, verre de vin et champagne,

Food Truck commun, Monte-Carlo Beach et Monte-Carlo Bay (à partir de 19h) : 

Offre salée du Monte-Carlo Beach par le chef Paolo Sari

  • Raviolini del Plin
  • Cocktail de crevettes en salade d’été

Offre sucrée du Monte-Carlo Bay par le chef Marcel Ravin

  • Assortiment de tchoks (fraise, tiramisu, choco passion…)

Food Truck Monte-Carlo Beach (à partir de 19h) :

Pizzas Bio par le chef Paolo Sari

  • Margherita
  • Jambon champignons
  • Blanche aux 4 fromages

Food Truck Sporting Monte-Carlo (à partir de 19h) :

  • Foccacia Méditerranéenne
  • Burrata dans tous ses états
  • Colinot à la purée de coco et chorizo

Food Truck A Roca (à partir de 19h) :

  • Brabagiuans (classiques, minis, végétariens et chocolat)
  • Socca chips
  • Sandwichs
  • Fougasse Monégasque

Food Truck La Socca des Vallées (à partir de 19h) :

  • Portions de Socca
  • Portions de Pizza

Food Truck Roll’in Bar (à partir de 18h) :

  • Glace Virgin Mojito
  • Glace Vanille "dans tous ses états" (Toppings -> chocolat, Smarties, Oréo, caramel et Kinder)

Les tickets se prennent au préalable à la caisse située sur l’espace Guinguette / Terrasses du Soleil.

Plus d'informations :


Crédit photos :  ©Michal Batory

6 Jul

F(ê)aites de la danse 2017: a hit with the public in Monaco!

The first F(ê)aites de la Danse festival was a huge success.

The first F(ê)aites de la Danse festival, organised by the Ballets de Monte-Carlo, the Prince’s Government and Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer, and held in Place du Casino on 1 July 2017, was a huge success.

Nearly 10,000 people were there at the peak of the event around midnight, enjoying a festive atmosphere in Place du Casino, watching the performances and sharing a love of dance.

Ballets de Monte-Carlo Choreographer and Director Jean-Christophe Maillot’s gamble – creating an event where professional and amateur dancers could meet the public and get them up dancing – paid off.

A giant barre, dances from around the world, ballroom dances, jazz, street dance, tango, hip-hop, roller skating by Le Patin Libre, pole dancing and more all featured, one after the other, before giving way to the Ballets de Monte-Carlo, who performed a Jean-Christophe Maillot creation set to music by Italian composer Antonio Castrignano. On the terraces, the dance marathon was in full swing while down below, a dance hall with food trucks entertained audiences with songs from the 1950s.

After midnight, Place du Casino became an enormous open-air disco with DJ Greg Boust on the decks. From 2 am, the French DJ took over the Monte-Carlo Opera, which was transformed into a night club for the evening, while outside the public also danced to his music at the silent disco held on the Casino terraces.

It was a great night full of fun and friendship. See you again for the next one!